News archive of

2024/07: On July, 20 2024 - I will start as rider 203 at the Northcape 4000 Ultracycling.

2024/04: Start a new bikepacking trip direction South 2024-04 n02. Preparation for the Northcape 4000 adventure in July this year.
2024/04: Back home from a bikepacking trip from Frankfurt, direction South. Unfortunately, the bike broke down just after Marseille. Bad problem with the carbon frame.
2023/11: Back home from the 2023 North Cape trip and a small trip to London.
2023/07: Going of a new trip. From Leipzig - direction North.

2022/10: Back home.

2022/08/24: On tour. Currently riding South after a visit of the North Cape.

2021/09/26: Back from the ext. weekend tour from Saarbrücken to Frankfurt. Status changed back to at home.
2021/09/24: on a little ext. weekend tour from Saarbrücken to Frankfurt. Status changed to in tour.
2021/09/24: on a little ext. weekend tour from Saarbrücken to Frankfurt. Status changed to on tour.
2019/12/01: Back from Madrid. Status changed back to at home.
2019/10/13: A small new trip. I am starting to ride my bicycle from Barcelona to ...

2019/07/28: On the 25 of July, I reached the North Cape. With zero punctures !
I am in Høyasund and riding my bicycle direction Alta now - let's see what is next ........

2019/07/21: In Karasjok, Norway. I am taking some rest days to cure my knee before riding the remaining 300 km to the North Cape.

2019/07/13: Reached the viallge of Gällivare, Norbotten.

2019/07/05: I used two rest days in Umeå to upload a lot of new impressions form the last days.

2019/06/27: In Hudigsvall, Sweden: 2.000km - half die way to the North Cape is ridden.
I am going to upload the images since Göteborg in the next days.

2019/06/11: SWEDEN. I just arrived in Göteborg.

2019/06/11: In Demmark. Today, I had my first celebration beer.

2019/06/07: Day 7 & 600km: I am enjoying my first restday in Hamburg.

2019/06/04: Day 5: now in Evensen, about 30km Nort of Hannover.
2019/06/03: Day 4 took me from the Northeim.
2019/06/02: Day three took me from the Edersee to Kassel.
2019/06/01: Day two brought me from Wetzlar, via Giessen and Marburg to the Edersee.

2019/05/31: The status changed to on tour.
The first Stage brought me to Wetzlar. Home of the best cameras.

2019/05/30: The status changed to preparing.
North Cape Tour Nr.4 will start tomorrow!

2018/11/18: Status changed back to at home.
The recent Malaga - Madrid Tour will be updated soon.

2018/11/02: Status changed to preparing.
A placeholder for the October 2018 tour Bilbao - Porto added. Content will follow.
Next up: 2018 Malaga - Madrid, starting at Saturday, 3rd November

2018/01/01: Status is back to at home. The blog 2017 Around Sicily is up-to-date.

2017 December: Im an back on tour: 2017 Around Sicily

2017/11/19: In December, I will fly to Palermo, Sicily and push my bike around the Island.
Status set to preparing. The first entry is made to 2017 Around Sicily

2017/July: Status is back to at home. The blog 2017 Madrid - Lisboa is current.

2017 June: I am on the way to Lisbon. I will post every day! 2017 Madrid - Lisboa.

2017/06/01: I am planning the next trip. And I will post every day. 2017 Madrid - Lisboa. I promise!

2016/12/29: This is what x-mas-time is good for: I also finalized 2016 Palermo - Barcelona and put up the pages for the 2006 South-Norway trip

2016/12/28: I finally updated this webpage with the remaining two entries of the 2016 North Cape Tour.

2016/07/10: From the very North, I took a Hurtigruten boat to Hammerfest and cycled from there to Alta where I took the plane home to Frankfurt.

2016/07/05: 39 days and 3.700 km after I started in Frankfurt, I finally reached the North Cape.

2016/06/03: After 6 days, I reached Rostock. currently, I am on the ferry to Trelleborg, Sweden.

2016/05/27: Tomorrow, I will start to my 3rd trip from Frankfurt to the North Cape. The route is planned mostly through Sweden. The blog will be here: 2016 North Cape Tour

2016/04/25: I passed Rome and am now on the way to cross over to the Mare Adriatico.

2016/04/09: Day one of the South-Europe tour: Riding my bicycle through the rain from the airport of Palermo to a litte village of Santa Flavio.

2016/04/09: Status changed to on tour
Today, my trip in South Europe starts: Palermo - Barcelona

2016/03/29: Status changed to preparing

2015/09/21: Updated the maps for 2012-14 Alaska - Tierra del Fuego tour

2015/09/13: Status changed to at home
Back from the MTB TransAlp Lake Constance - Lake Como

2015/09/06: Status changed to ON TOUR

2015/09/05: Preparing for my 3rd TransAlp tour by Mountain Bike.
Starting Monday, 7th of September at Lake Constance (Bodensee).
The blog is here

2015/03/02: Back to Bangkok, Thailand. The section is updated.

2015/02/14: in Vietiane, Laos. The section is updated.

2015/02/02: in Hue, Vietnam.

2015/01/09: in Cambodia.

2014/12/26: Status changed to ON TOUR
I am on my way to South-East Asia, to the wedding of an old friend, somewhere in Thailand.
Beside some adequate outfit, I packed some of my standard "holiday" clothing ...and... the bike.
I will blog about that here.

2014/12/09: Status changed to preparing

2014/10/19: Status changed to at home

2014/10/06: Status changed to on tour:
A small jump over the Alps. I will ride my mountain bike off road from Mittenwald to the Lago di Garda.

2014/07/05: Status changed to on tour: A small trip, starting in Frankfurt, direction south!

2014/07/04: Status changed to preparing.

2014/02/17: Back home in Frankfurt, Germany. The Pan American Tour 2012-2014 is over! 30.000 km in 20 month.
The status of the webpage changed from on tour to at home.
Section Tierra del Fuego is updated.

2014/02/03: I am in Rio Grande. Finally on the Tierra del Fuego! Just 250km left to the end of the road!
Sections Carretera Austral, South Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego are updated.

2013/12/29: On the Carretera Austral. Heading south through the wind and rain BUT beautiful landscape.
Sections of Chile and Argentina and a lot of new people in people I met E & F updated.

2013/10/14: I reached San Pedro de Atacama, Chile - after crossing Peru and Bolivia on the worst roads, I have driven so far.
But see yourself in the updated section of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and people I met D & E.

2013/07/11: We are in Chao, Peru. We rode through the Ecuadorian Andes to the coast of Peru. After 600 km of mostly flat land, we decided to head back into the Andes, into the Sierra Blanca.
Updates on people I met D, Ecuador and Peru.

2013/06/14: Still in Cuenca. Updated exact GPS-maps with all stops for the last countries : Guatemala (II) to Ecuador.

2013/06/09: In Cuenca, Ecuador. The last days continued with the Andean up and down. The legs are getting better and better - a big plus to be able to enjoy the great landscape. As a result, the daily distances are down from about 50km. And we are taking more rest days - like here in Cuenca.
Updates on people I met D and Ecuador.

2013/06/04: In Alausi. We are now really in the Andes. Every day is a real challenge with 1000-2000 m altitude difference (Höhenmeter). But the reward is the incredible view in these mountains.
Updates on the page of Ecuador will give an idea.

2013/05/25: In Quito. We crossed the Equator on the way to the capital of Ecuador. Here, we spent a couple of days without riding, the bicycle. The many outdoor shops here helped us to fill up our equipment and make the bikes fit for the higher altitude.
Updates on the pages of Colombia and Ecuador.

2013/05/07: Still in Cali. I updated the people I met section with 26 new people that are on a bicycle trip here in las Americas too.

2013/05/05: 17100km, day 343 of the PanAm Rrip: I am now in Cali, Colombia and brought the Colombian page up-to-date.

2013/04/30: I am in La Pintada. The Colombia section has a interactive map now.

2013/04/28: In Medellin. I used the days off here to bring this webpage up-to-date. Added Panama and Colombia (till here).
The Panama section has a interactive map now. I will do this to all sections in the following weeks.

2013/04/25: Added Costa Rica.

2013/04/24: Added Nicaragua.

2013/04/23: Added the Honduras section.

2013/04/22: Added the El Salvador section.

2013/04/21: I am in SOUTH AMERICA !
A small sailboat carried me and my bicycle in a five day trip from Panama to Cartagena in Colombia.
I am updating the countries of Central America one by one. Today, I added Guatemala II.

2013/03/29: After 10 month on the road from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, I reached Panama! I am updating the countries of Central America one by one.
Guatemala & Belize are the first two.

2013/02/01: Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico: It's raining, so I added some pictures to a small video.

2013/01/25: Acayucan, Golf of Mexico: Crossed Mexico, had lots of punctures and adventures. See the new pictures on the pages Mexico B and C

2012/12/13: Mainland Mexico. Escuinapa, 100 km South of Mazalán. We are taking a couple of days off to cure the could, Berthold, my bicycle companion since Mexico, has caught. I took the time to finally to bring the webpage up-to-date.
New / updated sections: USA California, Mexico Baja, Mexico mainland and people I met (B)

2012/11/16: Currently in Guerrero Negro, Baja California, 700 km into Mexico. I am heading south for another 800 km to reach La Paz and then take a ship to Mexico mainland.
I will update the page when the internet connection is there & fast enough.

2012/10/13: Day 136 of the PanAm Tour: I just rode over the Golden Gate Bridge to San Francisco.
- added a lot new pictures to BC, Canada.
- added new sections: USA: Washington, Oregon and California.
- changed the Menu on the left to show the latest entry at the top.

2012/09/29: Day 123 of the PanAm Tour: Currently riding south at the Oregon coast.

2012/09/01: Kelowna: After a little detour into the National parks Jasper and Banff in the Rocky Mountains, I am back in British Columbia.
New pictures about Canada - BC, Al, BC and people I met are online.

2012/08/07: Chetwynd, British Columbia: The first 2.000 km of Canada are ridden. Only a little more the 1.000 km to go...
New pictures online.

2012/07/17: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. On the harsh roads so for my rim (Felge) cracked!
Here in Whitehorse, I had it repaired. It took a couple of days, which I used to reload my batteries.
New pictures of the people I met are online.

2012/07/07: Canada! Yesterday, I crossed the border from Alaska to the Yukon territory.
New pictures are online too!

2012/07/01: Back to Fairbanks. Back from the Dalton Highway. This was a real changeling ride!
New pictures are live on Alaska >> South 2012.
The newsletter will follow...

2012/06/10: In Fairbanks. 700km are on the Meter. This was only the warm-up. On Wednesday, 13th, we will start from Deadhorse / Prudhoe Bay our decent down South!
The first pictures are live now: Alaska >> South 2012

2012/06/05: The first 4 days on the road in Alaska brought us from Anchorage to the Denali National Park. Tomorrow, we will ride into the park.

2012/05/29: Current Status changed to on tour
At the Airport Frankfurt. Flying to Anchorage, Alaska.
My trip from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego starts today!
+++ Update 8pm Alaska time: Arrived safely at the Hostel in Anchorage.

2012/04/03: Current Status changed to preparing
The next big trip starts in 56 days.

2011/11/25: Added a 10 Gigapixel Panorama from Amalfi, Italy

2010/09/11: back home

2010/09/11: H

2010/09/05: back.

2010/09/02-03: ein bisschen.

2010/09/02: ein bisschen.

2010/08/18: The North Cape is reached. The North Cape section 2010 is now up to date (including the people I met section).

2010/08/16: The North Cape is reached. The Northcape section 2010 is now up to date.

2010/07/23: In Norway. Back from Russia. Added a couple of new pictures. The Northcape section 2010 is now up to date.

2010/07/16: After two and a half month and 3.663 km, I reached the Barent Sea. I am in Kirkenes, Norway Tomorrow, I will continue the journey with a trip to Russia. I have put a couple of new pictures on the page, but still some are missing. In the end, it should be a little bit like holiday...

2010/06/24: In Vaasa, Finland. I had an accident. I did fly a little though the air, but nothing serious. The bicycle is injured. I am stuck here until my spare parts from Germany arrive. Anyway, there are a few new pictures to the Finland section of the North Cape 2010 tour page.

2010/06/18: A couple of new pictures are added to the Finland section of the North Cape 2010 tour page.

2010/06/14: I have updated the section "people I met" as well. The webpage should be now up-to-date!

2010/06/13: A small detour brought me to Uusikaupunki, which is on the Baltic Coast of Finland. Since the last webpage update, I passed Denmark and Sweden. To learn more about the journey, visit the fresh updated pages

2010/05/18: Day 15 seems to be the last day in Germany. Here in Grossenbrode, next the Fehmarn, where the ferryboat to Denmark will leave, I am using the my free internet access milage to upload some pics of the last couple of days on the bike.

2010/05/07: Kassel, day four of the North Cape Tour 2010. Challenging days are lying behind me. Beside the cold, the rain and the heavy headwind, I have to admit that I am not to-the-point in perfect condition ;-) But I am working on that last one!
The first pictures are online now.

2010/05/04: In Birstein. Day one of the North Cape Tour 2010. I managed to repair my experienced 28" touring bike, so I could enjoy a day with some sun und a lot of headwind.

2010/04/30: Today, I discovered a crack in my bicycle frame. Bad luck!
The new frame is ordered, but the start of my North Cape Tour, planned
to start in [ 1 ] days, will be delayed for about a week.

2010/04/29: The trip from Frankfurt, Germany to the North Cape will start in [ 2 ] days.
The pages for this trip are online now: North Cape Tour 2010

2010/03/23: The next medium / big trip will be in [ 39 ] days.

2009/12/20: The Portugal 2009 Tour is live.

2009/12/04: Back from the Portugal Tour. Status back to at home.

2009/11/22: I am on tour from Porto to Lisbon in Portugal.

2009/11/20: Status changed to preparing. A week trip to Portugal is scheduled to start on Nov, 22.

2009/11/08: Added a huge (215 Megapixel) panorama of the Bockenheimer Depot in Frankfurt.

2009/10/11: Changed home page image to an impression of Mongolia last year.

2009/09/22: New Home Page image. Taken last week-end at the Palmengarten, Frankfurt.

2009/09/05: Exchanged the front page image. From siberia.

2009/06/24: Exchanged the front page image. It's 6 years ago...

2009/06/19: The Amsterdam 2001 tour is finalized. The delay was just 8 years ;-)

2009/06/09: The SPAM bots found my guestbook. So, at present, you can only read past entries, but not sign the book. I am looking for a new, more save guestbook app.

2009/06/01: Added a small photo show of Krasnojarsk to the section Russia E of the Around the world trip 2008.

2009/02/19: Updated the Around the world trip 2008 welcome-page with maps of my route.

2009/02/05 The Around the world trip 2008 is over and the webpage is up-to-date! Recent adds: people I met, press articles, Russia A, B and D. USA: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida and France, Lux+Belgium, Germany.

2009/02/02 The pages for the US are complete now. I added Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. (Russia A, B and D were added last week). Still missing: France, Lux+Belgium, Germany, people I met and press articles.
Expect this content to follow in the next days...

2009/01/31 The backlog for the Around-the-world-08 trip shortens every day. I just put the content for Russia A, B and D up. Still missing: USA: Tx, La, Ms+Al and Fl plus France, Lux+Belgium, Germany and people I met. Expect this content to follow in the next days...

2009/01/30 (second update for today): I am working on the backlog of the Around-the-world-08 trip on my webpage. I just put the content for Russia A and B (up to Yekaterinburg) up. Still missing: Russia D, USA: Tx, La, Ms+Al and Fl plus France, Lux+Belgium, Germany and people I met. Expect this content to follow in the next days...

2009/01/30 I am working on the backlog of the Around-the-world-08 trip on my webpage. I just put the content for Russia A (up to Moscow) on. Still missing: Russia B, USA: Tx, La, Ms+Al and Fl plus France, Lux+Belgium, Germany and people I met. Expect this content to follow in the next days...

2008/12/27 Back home! I am in Wiesbaden. Biked from France through Luxembourg and Belgium to the Germany. There, I followed the Mosel and Rhine river to the starting point. 263 days ago, I cycled to the left and came back from right... Currently, I am sorting the 27000 images, I shot in 17000 km. I owe this page a big update, I know. I am working on it and will send the newsletter when it's done.
Status changed from on tour to at home.

2008/11/30 Before November ended, I made it to Florida. I flew to Paris, France at the and took the train back to Staint-Nazaire at the Atlantic ocean in order to finish the last piece of the big trip. I haven't had time to update the picture pages (good French dining and red wine need to be checked by me). But there is a new title picture.

2008/11/03 Still in DeRidder, Added pictures for USA: New Mexico and Mexico.

2008/11/02 In DeRidder, Louisiana. Just a couple of miles away from Texas. Another 1000 miles to go in the US.
BTW-1: I added pictures for USA : Arizona.
BTW-2: I changed the title of the bicycle tour to better match the actual route ;-)

2008/10/25 I reached Austin, Texas. I bought a cheap Netbook computer and created the first page for the US: California. I am trying my best to update this page more often now.
Tomorrow, I will continue east on my way to the Atlantic ocean.

2008/09/29 After reaching Beijing last month, I continued the trip in the USA. I will do some cycling there. Currently, I am in Phoenix, Arizona.

2008/09/05 Back to Beijing. I have been at the Pacific Ocean. I am taking some days to relax, update this page and plan how to get back home (may not be the shortest way...). --> The new section China is now online.

2008/08/22 I made it on time to the Olympics! Yesterday, I saw the Athletics in the bird nest. I am in Peking. The tough times in the dessert are nearly forgotten, the spirit in the town is great! I came two days ago after riding through the North of China. And not only once, I had a police car following me for hours, but at least I would not starve I told myself. Pictures will follow soon (I hope).

2008/07/28 After a quite hilly and very hot ride next to the incredible lake Baikal and then South into Mongolia; I reached Ulan Bator. Before setting off again for the final stretch through the Gobi dessert to China, I will rest. New pictures have been added: Wiesbaden - Beijing '08 - Sections Russia and Mongolia.

2008/07/07 Irkutsk. After 8.000 km, I reached Irkutsk. The last big city in Russia. Next 750 km, I will be traveling to the mighty lake Baikal and then via Ulan Ude to the Mongolian border. Again, a bunch of new pictures have been added: Wiesbaden - Beijing '08 - Section Russia F.

2008/06/25 Krasnoyarsk. Still in Siberia. After about 5000km just in Russia, 2000km are left before I will cross into Mongolia. A bunch of new pictures have been added: Wiesbaden - Beijing '08 - Section Russia E.

2008/06/14 day 82, 6.200km. Now in Novosibirsk. A couple of quite rainy and mosquitoish days passed by since I left Omsk. A rest day will help to load my batteries for the 1.850 km stretch to Irkutsk.

2008/06/07 Best regards from Siberia. I am now cycling with Roland and we made it to Omsk yesterday. Finally, we found an Internet cafe with the right technical ports open. So you find updates to the pages about Poland and People I met, as well as new pages about Belarus and Russia. Because of the big mass of images in Russia, I skipped the first 2.500km in Russia (image-wise). I have to work on these when I am back.

2008/05/08 In Moscow! 42 days or 2801km after I have left Wiesbaden, Germany, I made it to Moscow. Evan came to yesterday to accompany me for the next three weeks. Sorry, no new photos caused by some tech. difficulties.

2008/04/26 Yesterday, I reached Minsk, the capital of Belarus. A long and very straight road led me from the Polish border through the city of Brest to Minsk. The next big city on the list is Moscow where I will update the picture pages.

2008/04/14 Day 20 of the Trip to the Pacific Ocean. In Warsaw. The days alone though the Polish Middle-Land passed by in clouds of fog. I haven't seen the sun much, but therefore had most of the time nice tailwinds. Today, I spent another couple of hours in a Warsaw dark Internet cafe to update the picture pages. So please be invited to enjoy.

2008/04/09 Day 15 of the Trip to the Pacific Ocean. Another rest day. This time in Wroclaw (Breslau), Poland. The hand over from Andreas to Martin went very well. Traditionally, Martin brought rain. We rode our bikes though the Czech Republic into Poland and the rain turned into snow ;-). Looks like Martin came to make me hard. I hope to update the webpages in Warsaw.

2008/03/30 Day 5 of the Trip to the Pacific Ocean. I reached Bayreuth, the last bigger city in Germany. Today is a rest day. I put some pictures of the first days on the Beijing '08 pages. Tomorrow Andreas will handover the trip accompany role to Martin.
I am looking forward what the Fichtelgebirge has to offer at this time of year.

2008/03/28 Day 3 of the Trip to the pacific. We are in Elfershausen at the Saale river. The weather is fine and since today, the Russian visa in in my passport! Finally all open issues are resolved!

2008/03/26 Status changed to on tour. The countdown is at zero. Day One! T minus 1 hour. Looking out of the window: It's snowing. Andreas is already in the train to meet me in Frankfurt, so no way back.
In the coming days, I will update the Wiesbaden - Beijing pages.

2008/03/24 The pages for the Wiesbaden - Beijing trip have been added to the homepage.
Outside, it is snowing at present, but I will start the day after tomorrow anyway;
no good weather is not much worse than not having all necessary visa ...
btw: I will write a blog on Trekpilots, which features my trip.

2008/03/09 It's time to declare the Name of the big trip: In 17 days, I will start my next bicycle adventure: This time, I am going east: From my home in Wiesbaden, Germany, I will cycle through Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, Russia (and a lot of it) via Mongolia into China.

2008/03/02 The route plan is much more concrete up to Belarus now. It had shown that I need some more days to be in time at the 1st of May on the Russian border. Therefore, the start date for the big trip has been moved forward to the 26th of March.

2008/02/18 Just 43 days left to the big trip. It's time to change the webpage status to preparing.

2007/12/30 I exchanged the title picture. It's an image of lake Buttermere, I took on my recent trip with Evan to the lake district in England. You see a high dynamic range (HDR) picture that has been processed from two differently exposed images of the same subject.
Plus: I cancelled my apartment in Frankfurt. I put up the counter below as the number of days to the bigger bicycle trip are now in the two digit range.

2007/12/17 The very large skyline picture of Frankfurt has been added. A click on Frankfurt Skyline in the menue on the left will bring you to this Zoomify experience.

2007/11/18 Added a link to the Grenzenlos Radeln webpage to the link section. Added Ingrid Olsson to people I met in Iceland.

2007/08/21 I finalized and uploaded the Iceland 2007 tour webpages.

2007/08/03 Back home to Frankfurt from my Iceland 2007 tour. First of all, I pimped up the old and slow guestbook. After separating the archive from the latest content, it performs about 10 times faster. So go ahead and sign it...

2007/07/21 Holmarvik in the westfjords. Day 21 in Iceland. I added a new page of pictures. See Iceland2007.

2007/07/08 Day 7 in Iceland. The first impressions of the ride from Keflavik to Snæfellsnes are online. See Iceland 2007.

2007/07/07 I am since 6 days in Iceland. When I get to a real Internet place, I will add some pics to the Iceland pages.

2007/07/01 Status changed to on tour caused by the Iceland 2007 tour.

2007/06/21 Added the Iceland 2007 tour overview.

2007/05/12 Added the counter for the next trips

2006/11/26 New images from Lisbon, Paris and Frankfurt are added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/10/29 Added some night shoots of Stockholm to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/10/12Added to the link page. Thomas is cycling around the world. He started in 2005 and is currently in Chile.

2006/08/05 I am back from the Norway trip. I am currently sorting the pictures and convert them from raw to jpg. So I hope the webpage will be updated in a couple of days.

2006/07/12 I am in Stavanger. I cycled though intensive Norwegian scenery. I had sunshine and little rain (maybe a little bit more;-)). Today, I visited the Norwegian Oil Museum and relax the rest of the day.

2006/07/08 Status changed from preparing to on tour.
I am in Norway. On a three week bicycle trip from Bergen to Oslo.

2006/07/04 Status changed from at home to preparing.
On Saturday, 08. July I start a three week Norway trip. I planned to cycle at the cost from Bergen to Oslo.

2006/06/13 Just before the big rain shower, I took some pictures at the river Main: Fotolog 2006.

2006/06/13 Images of the airport Frankfurt could be found in the Fotolog 2006.
Look at the news-archive to see what has been added yesterday.

2006/06/11 I have worked on my fotolog-backlog and so here are four new (or older) entries:
06/10 Football   06/10 Roe deer   04/26 Rheinsteig   06/10 Mandarin duck  
Take a look at the Fotolog 2006.

2006/05/15 Beside the kingfisher on the front page of this site, I added a six picture sequence of a grey heron on the hunt to the Fotolog 2006. I took them in an early morning sitting and waiting session before heading to work on time.

2006/05/14 Today, my long haunt was successful. Finally, I was able to take pictures of wild kingfishers (Eisvögel). The pictures were taken at a small biotop around Frankfurt: Fotolog 2006.

2006/05/10 Last Sunday, Michael Schumacher won the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe at the Nürburgring. I took a couple of pics with my pocket-cam: Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/25 At the river Main nearby Offenbach, I had the chance to take a couple of pictures of graceful Mute swan (Cygnus olor).
Additionally, I shoot four more pics at the Luminale in Frankfurt city : Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/21 From the 21. to the 29. of April, Frankfurt is one of the hosts of the Light-festival Luminale. See pictures from the Frankfurt Musterhaus from Casa Magica: Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/20 Added three pics from Frankfurt city: Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/19 Spring has come to Frankfurt! See the flowers at Bethmann Park, Frankfurt: Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/18 Back from an Easter trip to Amsterdam. For some Impressions click here: Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/04 Paris, an evening stroll at the river Seine: Fotolog 2006.

2006/04/01 After some raindrops at the my photo-hike in the Frankfurt forest I saw this picture... See the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/31 A sunset in Auerbach at the Bergstrasse and some Orchids are added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/26 Some orchids from the Palmengarten in Frankfurt are added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/21 Pictures of Madrid are added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/19 From a trip to the Falkenzucht at Wildpark Alte Fasanerie in Hanau, Germany, I added a couple of new pictures to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/14 The moon sawn through a telephoto at 560mm f/14 1/125 sec. See the latest shoot in the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/11 Back from a hike at the Altkönig / Taunus, I added three landscape und three bird photos to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/10 A Great Spotted Woodpecker added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/05 Two Eurasian Buzzards added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/04 Three more birds added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/04 We had some snow in Frankfurt. Take a look into the Fotolog 2006.

2006/03/01 Castle Falkenstein on the way to work in the early moning sun and some birds added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/27 Pictures from the Rursee / Eifel had been added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/24 More ducks added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/23 Three ducks added to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/19 Added photos of some birds to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/18 Added photos of Frankfurt in the evening to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/17 Added photos of Chicago to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/02/05 I added some nature pictures, as well as some pictures of the training facility Q Center to the Fotolog 2006.

2006/01/21Added new Flash-Fotolog for 2006.

lost archive entries from 2005/10/25 - 2005.12.26

2005/10/23 Fotolog: Two new Pictures added.

2005/10/09 Fotolog: Pictures from Brandenburg added.

2005/10/02 Fotolog: Menue-structure changed, new macros and pics from Cologne added.

2005/09/25 From a trip near Seligenstadt: Added a couple of pics to the fotolog.

2005/09/19 Two new moon pictures in the fotolog.

2005/09/12 Added a couple of new macro pictures to the fotolog.

2005/06/17 Status changed from on tour to at home. Just came back from the Denmark Baltic sea tour. >2005/06/04 Status changed from at home. Going on a three week Denmark Baltic sea tour.

2005/05/24 Added a fotolog. Click on Fotolog in the upper left corner of this screen and jump to the pictures. I will update this page regularly.

2005/05/24 Back from the short Sweden tour. I put a couple of pictures on the page.

2005/01/23 Finished some missing pieces on the Malaga - Barcelona Tour 04 (in particular the Welcome and people I met page).

2005/01/13 The Malaga - Barcelona Tour 04 is now online. Watch out for the slideshow...

2005/01/02 I finished my journey through Spain in late November 04 and continued working. I am going to update the Spain 04 part of the webpage in the next couple of days.

2004/11/11 Almeria. We are lucky to have great weather in Andalusia. After the first two days on the coast, we changed direction inland and continued in the Sierra Nevada for the last three days. Now we are back on the coast and continue on flatter ground eastwards. The first pictures are now online.

2004/11/06 Tomorrow I will start a three-week bicycle trip in Spain. Watch out for the news...

2004/05/25 Back home. At the 10th of May, my plane took me back to Frankfurt, Germany. I had a very wet time at the Coromandel Peninsula. This part must be fabulous in sunny weather, so I can add this to the reasons to come back. The last days, I spend in Auckland, just right to prepare for crowded Europe again. And here, I used the time to develop, frame and sort the slide (62 rolls) and to prepare for work, which starts June, 1st.
--> I updated all the New Zealand pages and added some pictures.

2004/04/28 Whangamata. You can easily confuse the name of the towns here and run short on the letter a. I am now on the North island. Came from Picton via ferryboat to Wellington and made my way up the lower Westcoast. From there, I crossed into land for the Tongariro National Park (Mordor from Lord of the Rings) and Taupo plus Rotorua with all the hot springs and the corresponding sulfur smells. I am now on the Coromandel Peninsula, trying to enjoy it in the wet weather.
--> Added a Wellington - Whangamata section plus two new pics in people I met.

2004/04/009 Nelson. It must have been now about 2000 (plus something) km, since Martin and me left Christchurch. I don't know exactly, because my bike tachometer is not working anymore since a couple of hundred kilometers. Just at this very moment, Martin left to the airport because his two month holiday is over. I may stay a day or two in Nelson to refill the batteries and then head to the Marlborough Sounds, followed by the North Island.
--> New pictures could be found in the to Nelson and people I met sections.

2004/03/14 Yesterday, we reached Queenstown, after a rough ride through scanty valleys. Some challenging roads lay ahead of us, when facing north tomorrow.
--> There are some new pictures in the section to Queenstown and people I met.

2004/03/08 We are back from Stewart Island. 4 new pictures are added to the corresponding page.

2004/03/02 Now in Invercargill. We will hike on the Stewart Island tomorrow.
I had some time to update the picture section and add some new faces to the people I met page.

2004/02/23 As we are still in Dunedin, I added 3 more pictures to the first part.
2004/02/23 After about 700 km through various landscapes in the district of Canterbury, we landed in Dunedin, the Edinburgh of the South [Duneldin is gaelic for Edinburgh]. We? - I met Martin, my companion since the first kilometer, on the flight from Frankfurt to Christchurch. As we had about the same plans on going around in New Zealand, we build the Four-German-Legs team. Look at the first pictures.

2004/02/08 Now in Seoul, Korea waiting for the connection flight to Christchurch. As I have to use the localized Windows version, things are sometimes hard to understand...
--> Status changed from prep to on tour.

2004/02/06 As some time is left 'till I have to get back to work, I am heading east - or west/north/south ??? Actually, it does not matter, as I am touring to the other side of the world in New Zealand. The plane will take off tomorrow and two days later, I will arrive in Christchurch. As usual, this webpage will witness the tour.
--> Status changed from at home to preparing).

2003/12/28 Since Friday, the 19th of December, I am back in Germany: 232 days and 15047 km on the road trough Europe!
After my short trip trough the Riff Mountains in Morocco, Africa, I visited Ronda and drove to Malaga. After a last couple of days in the sun of southern Spain, I returned home to Frankfurt. The pages for Europe 2003 are updated.
--> New: Portugal ii, Morocco, Spain, Gibraltar, People I met ii). Later, I may add some miscellaneous sections.
--> Status changed from on tour to at home.

2003/12/11 Africa! I am in Tangier, Morocco.
After getting to the most southern part of Europe, the Southkap in Tarifa, I decided to have a short visit to the big continent in the south. I will drive from here to Ceuta and tqke the ferryboat back to la Costa del Luz in Spain. Then I am going to head to Malaga, where I will catch a plane, that brings me hone just in time for Christmas. 2003/12/01 Updated the Portugal section. Added a new photo to people I met ii.

2003/11/30 Day 214, 13.900km : I am in Lisbon, Portugal. On the way to the capitol of Portugal, I visited the most western point of continental Europe at Cabo da Roca. Now, I will stroll a bit around the streets and alleys, before I am cycling the final stretch in Europe to the most southern point.

2003/11/21 Salamanca, Spain! I´m taking a rest day here. The town is beautiful and maybe, the weather will change back to blue skies. I have updated the Spain Section.

2003/11/10 Finally, I was able to upload pictures again. I updated the following sections: Ireland, Wales, England, France, Spain and People we met ii
2003/11/09 Spain! I reached San Sebastian in the Basque region today. It was an easy ride from St. Jean de Luz, where I started my first bicycle trip about 13 years ago. I found the campground and managed to persuade the Patron (chef) to let me stay, even though the site was closed since weeks. At the border, I joined (kind of) a half marathon running to San Sebastian. Good for me, as the National Route Nr. 1 was free of traffic and the people where cheering at me.

2003/11/04 Rochefort, France. I will reach Bordeaux, my beloved red wine region in a couple of days. I passed the sixth month. Over 12.000 km now. It's a long time, some things are like yesterday, as some other are very far away. Anyway, my legs are still going around and so, I will continue southwards, direction Spain, trying to reach warmer (and more dry) regions. The Europe and Ireland maps have been updated and an article from the Oban Times is added to the press section. Now and here, I have no means to upload any more photos , so Ireland, Wales, England and France is missing. I am trying to do it as soon as possible.

2003/10/24 I am now in the country with the most distracted keyboard layout in Europe. Everyone who had been trying to write a text here would recognize: I am in France. Exactly, I reached St. Malo in Brittany after cycling through parts of the Normandy.
After I left Sligo, I headed down the west coast of Ireland to Cork, took the ferry to Wales, crossed over to England and reached the Southcoast at Poole. The overnight ferryboat brought me to the land where the baguette always costs 90 Cent (but tastes marvelous).

2003/10/06 Added a map to the Europe overview page. Changed the text.
2003/10/06 I am in Sligo, Republic of Ireland. For a long time, I had no time to update the webpage. Since then, I cycled through lovely Scotland to Ireland. I made my way across Northern Ireland with its moving capitol Belfast and crossed a couple of days ago into the Republic of Ireland. You will find new pictures in the appropriate pages.

2003/09/13 Via the Shetland Islands (Scotland), I have reached Orkney. Martin left yesterday. I will explore the northern Scottish islands before I take the ferry to the mainland.

2003/09/08 Day 131: Yesterday, we finally reached Bergen. It took us (a German friend Martin joined me for three weeks) much longer then expected to cycle from Trondheim to Bergen. This was due to a lot of rain and the resulting cold we caught. Tomorrow, we will take the ferryboat to Lerwick on the Shetland islands and continue via Orkney to Scotland. Added: Norway IV section.

2003/08/22 Trondheim, Norway. After 112 days and over 7700 km. Martin, a good old cycling companion, will join the trip for three weeks. The weather is quite wet, but so it can just get better! Updated: Norway II and III and the People I met II section.

2003/07/30 Now in Tromsø on the north-west coast of Norway. Today, I have updated the Finland sections II and III as well as Norway I and II. Plus I added some people to the section people I met So I wish you a pleasant time watching me sweat.

2003/07/29 Now in Tromsø on the north-west coast of Norway. I hope, I will have the chance to update the pictures section these days here.

2003/07/23 After about 5.892 km in 82 days, I reached the Nordkapp. I am for a couple of days in company with some nice danish guys and we will continue south in Norway. When I find a real Internet cafe, I will put up some pictures.

2003/07/06 Yesterday, I arrived in Savonlinna, the town of the Finish opera festival. I was very lucky, because I found a shop to repair my rim with exactly the right spare parts and get hold of the rare opera ticket for the flying dutchman (takes place in the Olavinlinna castle), which are normally sold out nine months before the performance. And: The guy, who sold me his spare ticket invited me into his cottage, so we even had a real Finnish sauna after the show.

2003/06/30 Last day of month two: Yesterday, I have reached Helsinki. Before we left Russia, we had some contact with the police. Just because I took a photo of a bridge. Unfortunately there was a checkpoint right at the pier of the bridge. After some negotiating, starring at them when they say "Twenty Euro please" and shaken some small Rubel-notes out of my pocket, they let us go. The actual border crossing took only 5 minutes.

2003/06/24 Day 55: RUSSIA! Yesterday, we reached St. Petersburg. It took us three rainy days from Tallinn to the border of Russia. We were prepared for a long and complicated border crossing procedure. At the end, it took us about two hours to leave Estonia and only 15 minutes to enter Russia. The new country welcomed us with sun (after a small shower). So we reached St. Petersburg with a big smile on our faces.

2003/06/17 Day 48: We reached Tallinn in Estonia. Except for the first 200 km, we mostly took straight and fast roads. So we made it quite quick to this old town. We will rest here for a couple of days, before we start our journey into Russia, using smaller roads.

2003/06/10 Day 41: A couple of days ago, we reached Latvia. The weather was very nice to us, we almost always had sunny days. We are now in Riga, the capital of Latvia, where we will visit the old town with all its art nouveau buildings.

2003/06/05 Five and a half hours in the Internet cafe in Palanga, Lithuania will give you a new title picture plus a couple of updates in Europe 2003: Poland I,II and III ,  Lithuania and in People we met

2003/06/04 Day 35: Today, we reached Palanga in Lithuania. We will take a day off, which may give me the chance to put some new picture on the net tomorrow.

2003/05/30 Day 30: We are in Masuren in Mikolajki. The weather is incredibly sunny, the countryside is beautiful and we are resting for a day.

2003/05/25 Day 25: We are in Elblag. It was an intensive ride yesterday, because Maik did not feel as good as he thought. So we made 65 km to Elblag. Another day resting and tomorrow a nice boat trip at the Oberlandkanal will help him to recover.

2003/05/24 Day 24: Still in Gdansk (Danzig). As Maik has some small stomach problems, we will stay an additional day on our safe camping ground in Gdansk-Stagi. This gives me the time to add maps to the Germany and Poland sections.

2003/05/23 Day 23: Gdansk (Danzig). After 11 days of cycling since we left Berlin, it's time for a day off. Gdansk is an absolutely ravishing city. There is so much to see ... but take a look at the new pictures in the Poland section in Europe 2003.

2003/05/18 Day 18 in Koszacin: Three days ago we crossed the border to Poland, where we now ride east. We have good weather conditions, just a little bit of rain, but most often tailwind.

2003/05/10 We are in Berlin. I am trying to upload some pictures, but the bigger the city - the harder it is to find a ftp-and-usb-willing Internet-Cafe.

2003/05/05 I am in Weimar. Tonight, I will meet Maik and tomorrow we will start as a team heading east. PLUS: The first pictures are online

2003/04/29 I am busy! So many things have to be arranged. Everything has been moved, the flat is empty and clean, tomorrow will be my last day at home!

2002/03/05 I will start my big trip at May, 1st 2003.